Woke Discount Calculator

A pro-consumer tool by Freakoverse

Total discount rate:0%

When should you buy the game?

Buy the game when it's priced at: $0or below

The Woke Discount Calculator is an entertaining and useful tool that helps you determine the proper discount for games (and other products) that have woke and other anti-consumer elements in them. This could also be called a "Anti-Consumer Discount Calculator".

Simply check the relevant checkboxes, specify your level of intolerance, set the discount rate, and enter the game's price. After clicking the "Math Out The Woke" button, you'll receive the price at which you should consider purchasing the game at.

While it humorously carries the name "Woke Discount Calculator," it serves as a nice tool for customizing discounts based on your criteria, helping you reach a transparent & logic in your purchasing decisions, and empowering your "vote with your wallet" approach.

People's Coverage

If you have any suggestions, questions, or feedback, you can go ahead and send them as a comment in the video above.

Kind of hard to explain this one, so take it as you will from the picture above.

Changing a character that was originally of a certain color changed to another (usually white to black).

Changing a character that was originally of a certain sex changed to another (usually male to female).

Any female character that has their breasts reduced to any extent

When the game asks you for your character's pronoun, even though you've selected a sex already.

Ex: Asgard (Norse) can't remain all white, while Wakanda must be ethnically homogenous.

Dialog is "localized" to insert ideology, politics, and terminology, rather than doing proper translation.

Marketing or community interaction involves lecturing, insulting, gaslighting, or guilting your potential customers

Female characters are intentionally made to look ugly

teaching kids degeneracy 

Injecting and excessively magnifying LGBT elements in a game

Hypocritically desexualizes female characters while keeping male ones sexualized

"realism" argument is used in a fictional setting/world with non-realistic elements

Emasculates male charactesr while empowering female characters and be portrayed as butch, flawless, unbeatable, etc

Defeminates female charactes

Loved by Urinalists (bad journalists) for the wrong reasons.

Ex: Select your "Body Type": Body type A, Body type B, instead of female/male, woman/man, boy/girl

The developer/publisher has caved in to pressure of non-fans/customers and adjusted the game negatively (Ex: Bridget from Guilty Gear)

Usually female characters, and usually when a game gets released in the west from east, they get a varying dose of halal coverup.

Where it was there in the developers' previous games, and there are other sliders, making no sense of not having a boob slider other than thinking it's for an ideological reason.

Games that directly lecture you, or preach to you, about morals in a one-way direction without an argument.

Injecting modern-day politics directly into the game.
(General political themes/ideas are fine)

When a female character is presented as perfect, no flaws, and can do anything.

Generally speaking, nothing wrong with mixed-race relationships, as with a lot of other elements in here, when it makes sense, but when it doesn't, tick it!

Game development studios hiring what people view as woke consultants to 'help' them create their games.

Game studios/publishers pandering to the LGBT (sing the rest of the alphabet song) on social media (liking changing their PP), trailers, etc.

Game development studios/publishers firing their employees for what they say online, like their political or religous beliefs.

Studios going out of their way to hire voice actors, to voice in-game characters, with a similar skin color. Ex: Brown-skin voice actors are the only ones that should voice brown-skin fictional characters.

A company goes out of their way to hiring people based on their sex or skin color, to reach a certain amount of staff with that criteria, instead of hiring based on skill.

Studios aiming to not hire a specific group of people (usually white people and males) and hire others instead (usually dark-skinned people and females)

This is a big one to explain, so I'll just go ahead and tell you to do your own research on it. Sorry =P

Donations to extremist groups. I'll go ahead and not mention any groups for obvious reasons.

When a game gets localized, or when an old game gets remastered, they try their best to remove any and all fan-service.

Sweet Baby Inc is a consultancy company that, from the looks of it, ruins games to a low to high degree. Consider this a "Woke Consultancy Detected".

Purchasing, with real or fake money, boxes with items of varying rates to obtaining them, instead of straight up getting what you want.

Singleplayer game that requires you to be always online to play.

Like Denuvo, which decreases game performance, load performance, and at times prevents you from playing the game in an offline setting.

Has elements in the game where if a player buys them, it gives them a higher chance of winning in an online match.

Developers pushing anti-mod messaging, and/or request takedowns, etc.

This item only costs 500 gems! Buy 490 gems for $5, or buy 950 for $10!
This is done so that you'd disconnect how costly items are in games, increasing the chance of you purchasing items.

You didn't buy a game, $10 to $70, to have to deal with Free-to-Play monetization systems.

Pay this amount of dollars/gems to progress through this level faster (or at all).

If you don't like customer criticism in your game's forum, delete and ban, as a bad development studio would do.

Coming soon.